Building Inspections
Toronto Rope Access is a SPRAT certified member company specializing in maintenance, construction and inspection. With our IRATA/SPRAT technicians trained for working at height, our services to include; window cleaning, pressure washing, building envelope maintenance and inspection, building inspection, repair, high angle access, stand by rescue and roof top safety.
Rope Access Technicians
Toronto Rope Access incorporates video software and rope access techniques for building inspection on high rise residential and commercial buildings to record the exterior building envelope.
Once the images or videos are collected, they will be reviewed and approved by one of our 3rd party engineers and building science consultants who can easily find the issues and properly estimate the cost of repair. The rope access technician can provide the engineering consultant with a bird’s eye view of the exterior, all from the comfort of an office chair. Safely and affordably providing high quality visual records of existing wall conditions. This also permits an analysis of how wall conditions change over time; solid, objective and repeatable documentation to assist with evaluations, estimates and investigations.
A Live Feed
Another feature of the video inspection is the ability to do a live feed via bluetooth. The engineer can instruct the rope access technician on what to do and where to look – LIVE! Using human senses, we can get much more accurate information. A live feed makes it quick to find and fix deficiencies, or more importantly any hazards, potential liabilities and threats identified by an inspection report.
With Toronto Rope Access Building Inspections we are able to reach new heights, tackling architecturally unique buildings with efficiency, all while ensuring the safety of everyone at all times.
Rope access building inspections for:
• pre-audit and performance audits
• high rise building inspection
• residential and commercial building inspection